Buddhilam 是由三组装饰纹样(Buddhilam 1,2,3)用叠加的方式组成创建的一个装饰花纹系统。每组Buddhilam由26个旋转对称的纹样组成。每个纹样都是同心构成,具有相同的中心。其使用并不局限在一定是Buddhilam1,2,3的组合。因为都是同心结构,所以也可以是任意两个装饰纹样的组合。犹如万花筒,三组装饰纹样(Buddhilam 1,2,3)可以组合成无穷无尽的带有西域特色的现代装饰花纹。
Buddhilam is a system of 3 patterns (Buddhilam 1, 2, 3) that create a variety of ornamental composites by superimposing. Each Buddhilam pattern contains a set of 26 illustrations, all based on radial symmetry. Because all shapes are composed concentrically - which means that they all have the same center - they are all centered.
Buddhilam was inspired by the impressive murals of the Toyuq Buddhist Caves near Turpan and the Thousand Buddha Kizil Caves. The system can be described as a contemporary interpretation of the visual signs of today's Islamic ornamentation in Xinjiang.